10:23 AM

Apologies for the long absence!  However, Joey and I have been a bit busy... GETTING MARRIED!!!  WhoooHoooooo!  So, we did the damn thing and I'm here to give you a glimpse of the wedding frenzy that has taken up a good percentage of the last couple of months of my life (in the best way).  Let me rewind a bit...

First of all, way back when, back in February (I think) Garre, Anna, and Katherine threw me and Joey an engagement party.  It was a ton of fun, and it was great to have a good time with some of our close friends.  It was our first time being the focal point to a party for the two of us and helped to prep us for the big day.

Also, I wanted to give you a glimpse of the bridal shower that the lovely ladies at Oakhaven provided for me.  It was colorful, festive, and I was serenaded! Whoa!  I don't deserve all of that, but they were amazing!  Thank you, ladies!

The beautifully colorful invitation designed by the librarian, Pam.

The awesome decor for the library set up to be a fiesta!  Home-made candies and maracas included :)

The cake was beautiful, colorful, and, best of all, delicious!

I don't know why, but I couldn't find any of the pictures of the Oakhaven crew and the awesomeness that was our music teacher and one of our sixth grade teachers on guitar,  and our two ESL teachers serenading me and the entire library with Des Colores!  It was beautiful.

I was also thrown a bridal shower by my lovely new aunts from the Carr and Boldreghini additions to my life.  It was such a great bridal shower, and I wish I had pictures of it, but alas, I don't.  But please, feel free to use your imagination to create the sweetest and most fun and tasty bridal shower one could have :)

So, fast-forward to the week of the wedding, and you have the Rehearsal!  Rev. Carley said that it was the smoothest rehearsal he'd ever been to, and the dinner and rehearsal evening was SO MUCH FUN!  Thank you to my new In-laws for throwing a FABULOUS rehearsal dinner at Fresh Slices!

Learning how to get married...

The Travis kids on the Eve of the Wedding!

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures from the dinner, however, it was a good time indeed!  Perhaps I'll get a hold of some later and spare you the endless mountain of pictures for now.

Now, for the big day... it was absolutely PERFECT!  Joey and I had an amazing time, although it's been helpful having pictures to look at because the day does in fact whiz by in a blur.  I'm only going to post some key moments from before the ceremony and during the ceremony, but I'll post more later.

Joey getting his bowtie tied with the help of Lauren.

Garre creating my wedding do and everybody getting ready.  I was reading The Flyer about the recent Horn Island trip.

Joey and his men.

Me and my ladies.

Ceremony time.

Jeannie was our reader who read this excerpt from The Velveteen Rabbit.  It was beautiful.  Thank you, Jeannie!



Love = Family... Family = Love

The End!
Reception, along with the cake, wedding tree, and dances, and the Honeymoon to come later!  Promise!

Goodbye for now and love to all!

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