
Resurfacing from Summer Break

5:53 PM

The best non-existant accessory for this summer = shoes.

I'm obviously a neglectful blogger.  Not that it's a bad thing to step away from the computer or anything, but you know, a heads up would have been cool too (Sorry about that!).  I didn't realize that I would be taking/needing such a break until I realized that I was on it and didn't feel the motivation or desire to search for precious time to devote to posting.  That sounds awful, but I was so busy with projects and making the most of my summer that the blog simply got pushed aside.  Now, at the start of school, things are going to get busier than ever, but I have resurfaced to find myself motivated and eager to tend to the blog once again and hope to become a more attentive and interesting blogger in the process.

I promise, though, that I will make it a point to give that heads up for whenever I do take a hiatus from the blog.  Because it's simply the polite thing to do :)

On my last post, I was going to review the book that I read in preparation for The Master Cleanse and give an overall response to the experience.  So, I will indeed create that review, and then catch you up with my summertime adventures and projects and plans yet to be hatched!  I hope your summer has been splendid and that you'll forgive me for the long absence.

Talk to you again soon!

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