Painted Murals

4:16 PM

I am now OFFICIALLY on SUMMER BREAK!!! Woohoo!!! 

Ok, now that I have that off of my chest, let me just say... 15 days until the wedding, 17 until the honeymoon, and then, the rest of the summer to relax, get a head start on my thesis, and hopefully get started on a body of personal artwork.  Since I have the opportunity to really work on my own art this summer, I've been contemplating several different ideas and concepts for new artwork... there are so many possibilities and I can't wait!  It's almost like Undergrad again!  Anyway, I saw this mini-movie and was inspired... not by the act of standing on a rickety platform suspended high from the top of a high-rise (I often have nightmares of falling from high rise buildings... it's awful), but by the work ethic and the utter desire and need that these artists have to do this kind of work.  Truly amazing.  Enjoy!

UP THERE from The Ritual Project on Vimeo.

(video taken from

Goodbye for now and love to all!

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