Day 1

10:30 AM

So, if you haven't heard of the Master Cleanse and don't know much about it, then you can find a plethora of information via the Internet, like, here and here, or, you could read a book or two about it.  I read Tom Woloshyn's "The Complete Master Cleanse: A step-by-step Guide to Maximizing the Benefits of The Lemonade Diet", which I found to be extremely informative and have been and will be using it as my guide through this whole process.

In order to give you a run-down on why I'm doing this to myself and why many others do as well, I'm going to list the benefits of the cleanse as taken from Woloshyn's book:

  • Better Sleep
  • More Energy
  • Clarity of mind
  • Positive Outlook
  • Greater flexibility
  • Weight loss -- women often lose 1 pound per day during a cleanse, men up to 2 pounds
  • Freedom from addictions -- many smokers have quit after doing a cleanse
  • Increased strength
  • Swelling and Pain
  • Hair loss -- I thought this was confusing until I read the description of the benefit: People report their hair stops falling out (balding) and has more body
  • Skin improves
  • Allergies reduced
There are many other benefits throughout the entire book, however, these were the main points listed.  It's really interesting, and some of the stories are amazing.

Anyway, to quit babbling, let me get on with my experience with Day 1 (I'm writing this while on Day 2).  If you have no intention or desire to hear about what all is happening in my gutty-works, then I'll just let you know that you can stop here :).

Start date: 6/1/2011
End date: 6/10/2011

Start Weight: 132.6 lbs

The night before Day 1, I took 1 herbal laxative pill.  This didn't do anything, and the book said to take 3-5 for the desired result, but the pill bottle said take 1 and then move up to 2, so I guess I will have to go up to 3-5 for the desired result.

The morning of day 1 I woke up and drank a Salt Water Flush (SWF).  It's a mixture of 2 teaspoons of natural sea salt (uniodized) and 32. oz of warm water.  If you think about it as if it's a nice broth then it's not so bad.  Anyway, the salt, because it's natural uniodized sea salt, passes right through you, unless you need the minerals.  The salt water, going through our crazy-straw system of organs, helps to break down and pick up waste that's just sitting around, not going anywhere and making us more unhealthy.  Once it passes all the way through the system (about 30 min.)... WHOOoooSH.  It's a bit comical.  Let me just say... not that I did, but if you were to do this, GOOD googeley moogeley, do NOT fart, you would certainly shame yourself.

Right after the SWF I began my lemonade mixing for the day.  I had 7 8oz glasses throughout the day and it really wasn't too bad.  I began to feel much less energetic towards the end of the day, but all in all... not bad.  At night I tried 2 herbal laxatives instead of one... still nothing.  Last night, however, I had some AMAZING sleep!

Is this too gross to talk about?  If it is then I'll just write it out in my private journal, but I figured it might be of interest to someone who might want to try it.

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